[MOBY-dev] CommonSubs.pm: complexResponse

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Wed Nov 16 22:38:44 UTC 2005

Hi Frank,

On  16Nov2005, at 15:49, Frank Gibbons wrote:

> Hi Pieter,
>> Furthermore in CommonSubs.pm complexResponse is gone from '%  
>> EXPORT_TAGS'. There is a comment "complexResponse is *not* here, but
>> is in @EXPORT_OK", but it's not there either:
>> our @EXPORT_OK = ("collectionResponse", @{$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'}});
>> Without complexResponse it's no longer possible to send secondary
>> articles back to a client :(.
> I'm the one who put that comment in there. The code had two long  
> lists containing almost the same things, but as you see, there was  
> one component which was lacking. I guess I mistyped the name,  
> putting "collectionResponse" instead of "complexResponse". My bad!
> One reason for the confusion is that as I was writing the unit  
> tests, I just couldn't figure out what the purpose of  
> complexResponse was, how it was different from collectionResponse.  
> Now that I look at it again, it seems not so puzzling (I guess I  
> was fairly punchy after writing so many tests), but it would help a  
> great deal to have someone who actually uses write an explanation  
> of why it's useful. CommonSubs contains lots of routines that  
> appear almost identical in their functionality, yet are subtly  
> different (for example, pulling out parts of the moby:MOBY message  
> at different levels). We need good explanations for why it is  
> useful to do each of these.
> How about this: I've fixed that line defining EXPORT_OK, and  
> checked it back in.


> Could you add some useful explanation of complexReponse's purpose  
> and usage to the POD? I'm thinking specifics - the current text is  
> way too generic (e.g., "function: wraps articles in the appropriate  
> (mobyData) structure")

Ok I'll add that.

> We also need an example showing what exactly this routine should  
> do, so that we can add it to the test suite. If you want to just  
> send me an example, I can construct the test.

I'll send you an example too...



> -Frank
> PhD, Computational Biologist,
> Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston MA  
> 02115, USA.
> Tel: 617-432-3555       Fax: 617-432-3557       http:// 
> llama.med.harvard.edu/~fgibbons
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