[moby] Re: [MOBY-dev] a question and a comment about the new Objectinheritance

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Fri May 27 15:48:14 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 16:50 +0100, Martin Senger wrote:
> Well, I myself is not the main player in this dicussion about inheriting
> from primitives but as far as I understand, this:
> > <String ns='' id=''>
> > 	<string>content here</string>
> > </String>
> >
>    is what everybody wanted in the meeting

Ummmm... I think there was a lot of disagreement about what "everybody"
wanted... By the looks of it now, everybody wanted something different,
but were calling it the same thing :-)  Unfortunately, when I asked for
some example objects, nobody volunteered, so we couldn't sort it out at
the time.

I remember vividly, however, that when I tried to write that (above XML)
on the screen, the room erupted in screams that I was making it all too
complicated, so I don't think that is what people wanted.  It may be
that we have all had time to digest the issue a bit more deeply now and
have come to the same conclusion?


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