[MOBY-dev] a question and a comment about the new Objectinheritance
mark wilkinson
markw at illuminae.com
Thu May 26 01:05:14 UTC 2005
Good idea!
The reason they weren't implemented initially was simple lack of need.
-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Good <bmg at sfu.ca>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:03:12
To:Core developer announcements <moby-dev at portal.open-bio.org>, markw at illuminae.com
Cc:mobydev <moby-dev at biomoby.org>
Subject: Re: [MOBY-dev] a question and a comment about the new Object
It might actually make sense to implement a few more primitives to
facilitate WSDL interoperability. Below see a set of standard
primitives from the Axis user-guide. (Primitives being the things in
the xml message that easily bind to existing Java classes). I wasn't
around when you picked the ones you did, so maybe there are reasons not
to include all of these?
Standard mappings from WSDL to Java
xsd:base64Binary -> byte[]
xsd:boolean -> boolean
xsd:byte -> byte
xsd:dateTime -> java.util.Calendar
xsd:decimal -> java.math.BigDecimal
xsd:double -> double
xsd:float -> float
xsd:hexBinary -> byte[]
xsd:int -> int
xsd:integer -> java.math.BigInteger
xsd:long -> long
xsd:QName -> javax.xml.namespace.QName
xsd:short -> short
xsd:string -> java.lang.String
On May 25, 2005, at 12:32 PM, Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi all,
> So, I just went through and updated all of my services to follow the
> new
> Object inheritance system. It took 5 minutes :-) Turns out that most
> of
> my services only output "Object" anyway, so they don't need any work,
> and the ones that output other things like DNASequence and GO_Term were
> already following the proposed API anyway, so... only TWO of my
> services
> actually were affected by the proposed change! I hope that others have
> the same experience.
> I did, however, notice a potential hiccup that we didn't foresee at the
> meeting. At the moment, binary data in MOBY is passed as a child of
> base-64-encoded, which is a child of String. Under the new system, we
> can't have children of String, so do we then need a new primitive class
> for binary data? I think it still needs to be b64 encoded, but it
> seems
> to me that it does need its own primitive now.
> opinions anyone?
> M
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Mark Wilkinson
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