[MOBY-dev] Breakin' the services for the final API

Rebecca Ernst rebecca.ernst at gsf.de
Wed May 25 07:56:26 UTC 2005

I guess they are coming from the the base moby object as Mark told that 
primitives will still be moby objects..

mmmh... I don't want to bring it all up again but didn't we say that 
primitives should NOT be Moby objects at all?


Martin Senger wrote:

>><genbank-flatfile ns='' id=''>Content Here</genbank-flatfile>
>>will become:
>><genbank-flatfile ns='' id=''>
>>  <String ns='' id='' articleName='genbank-flatfile'>Content
>   Just a question: where do the 'ns' and 'id' in <String> come from?
>   Martin

Rebecca Ernst
MIPS, Inst. for Bioinformatics
GSF Research Center for Environment and Health
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg
fon: +49 89 3187 3583
email: Rebecca.Ernst at gsf.de

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