[MOBY-dev] jMoby actions from the Vancouver meeting

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Tue May 24 15:19:12 UTC 2005

Dear moby-ers,
   I have commited changes (thanks to help by Eddie, Ben, Paul and others)
we have discussed in Vancouver regarding the Java code base ("jMoby").
Please look at the new jMoby documentation
(http://www.biomoby.org/moby-live/Java/docs/index.html) which is now being
updated every few hours automatically. Which means - when you add new code
or documentation into 'moby-live/Java' it will soon appear on the main
biomoby pages.
   Please feel free to comment on the way how we create and share Java 
code base - because that is important for all us, Java developers in Moby 


Martin Senger

EMBL Outstation - Hinxton                Senger at EBI.ac.uk     
European Bioinformatics Institute        Phone: (+44) 1223 494636      
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus             (Switchboard:     494444)
Hinxton                                  Fax  : (+44) 1223 494468
Cambridge CB10 1SD
United Kingdom                           http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger

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