[MOBY-dev] A possible bug in MOBY::CommonSubs::getNodeContentWithArticle

José María Fernández González jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Fri Mar 11 21:25:54 UTC 2005

Hi MOBYfiers!
	I think I have found a bug in 
MOBY::CommonSubs::getNodeContentWithArticle, related to CDATA_SECTION 
nodes. When getNodeContentWithArticle is handling nodes with its content 
encapsulated in a CDATA section (for instance, a Blast result, a 
sequence with a description, or an XML content), it ignores it. So, any 
perl service which uses this function would not be able to get the 
content when any MOBY client uses CDATA to maintain the original layout.

	Best Regards,
		José María
José María Fernández González		e-mail: jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Tlfn:	(+34) 91 585 54 50		Fax:	(+34) 91 585 45 06
Grupo de Diseño de Proteinas		Protein Design Group
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología	National Center of Biotechnology
C.P.: 28049				Zip Code: 28049
C/. Darwin nº 3 (Campus Cantoblanco, U. Autónoma), Madrid (Spain)

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