[MOBY-dev] java api

Octave Noubibou octave.noubibou at gsf.de
Mon Mar 7 15:52:35 UTC 2005

Hi all,

as promised in my previous mail(see below), i have attached to this 
message my source codes for parsing moby input xml .

The "RetrieveElementWS.java" class is just to show how you can use it.

your comments are welcome


>>>>Hi all,
>>>>as Yan has mentioned, i have joined  the PlaNet  project  at MIPS
>>>>since  3  months  now. one of my first tasks was to provide a generic
>>>>API to  simplify access to the pameters (queryID, namespace, id)
>>>>one needs from the moby input xml to run the services and also methods
>>>>to generate moby conform xml result.
>>>>I have used DOM4J and XPATH to implement concrete classes for this
>>>>At the moment all you need to get your parameters is to use the method
>>>>"allParsedData(inputxml)" no matter how complex the inputxml is.
>>>>This method return a vector of the form e.g.:
>>>>(((queryID1,ns,id))) for a simple type
>>>>or (((queryID1,ns1,id1),(queryID1,ns2,id2),(queryID1,ns3,id3))) for a
>>>>for an input with 2 invocations, the first been a collection and the
>>>>second a simple type.
>>>>currently i do not handle secondary articles, but this should not be
>>>>we habe tried in our java services and everything seems to be ok.
>>>>i am commenting the code now. once it is finished, i will like to
>>>>share it with you for comment or rectification and of course use.
>>>>Is there any possibility to upload this in central repository?
>>>>best regards

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