[MOBY-dev] MOBY Central Registry up and running at a new location

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Thu Jun 30 23:38:45 UTC 2005

Hi all, 

The core of MOBY Central is up and running again at:

URL: http://mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/MOBY05/mobycentral.pl

URI: http://mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca/MOBY/Central

No accessories are functioning, however.  Just the registry.  Also, none
of my services will be working either.  

No data loss as far as I can tell at the moment, so that is good news!

I will begin migrating the accessories over to this new server tomorrow.
Hopefully we will have things running again by the end of the weekend,
but for the moment at least the registry itself is functional.

remember you can use this registry as your default for the Perl
libraries by setting the environment variables:

MOBY_SERVER=  $URL (above)
MOBY_URI = $URI (above)

This will cause MOBY::Client::Central to connect to this server by

I will make changes to the test harness in the CVS soon.  It doesn't
matter, really, because the version in the CVS is non-functional until
we can get the Perl LSID resolver stack working  }-/

Anyway, sorry for the down-time!  What a disaster!

(but I did learn a lot about what it takes to install MOBY Central now!
So I have lots of good notes for our documentation drive...)


Mark Wilkinson
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Medical Genetics
University of British Columbia
PI in Bioinformatics
St. Paul's Hospital
Vancouver, BC

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