[MOBY-dev] rfcf 8. Predicates

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:46:59 UTC 2005

Since there was a request to keep these messages in email
and away from twiki, I have added each heading to an email.

8. Predicates

a. should we add the following predicates to the metadata of
service instances?

  i.   sampleInputData - specifies valid input for the
service instance
  ii.  sampleOutputData - specifies the output for the
service instance based on the test input.
  iii. approvedBy - specifies whether this service has been
approved. Currently, this would only be useful for the INB,
but many more may find it useful.

b. how should the sample input/output be formatted? 

c. should we allow the annotation of datatypes?

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