[moby] [MOBY-dev] Re: Problems with Biomoby servicesin Taverna 1.2

José María Fernández González jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Fri Jul 8 21:55:44 UTC 2005

Hi everybody,
	I had almost forgotten a MOBY service (like a PL/SQL or ADA procedure)
can have more than one output, each one belonging to its own type. I
forgot it for one of the services I designed for INB.


> I admit that our understanding is not compatible with the current way
> for registering services. The easy(?) solution would be to abandon
> any cardinality confirmations from the registry. That is if a service
> is registered with an output A it may output any number of A-objects.

I have in mind two or three bioinformatics time-expensive algorithms
which generate more than one output (with different types) each time
they are run. Because they are related, the common developer wraps them
into an object, whose type inherits from Object, and most of the time it
is an artificial creation. Those coders must also develop micro-services
which pull the needed piece of information from the wrap, or if you are
a Taverna user something like a beanshell. So, I agree with Mark:
services with more than one output have their place. But remember: we
need clients which are able to deal with this feature. Until now we had
no one, but now Taverna could be the first one...

	Best regards,
		José María

> Another way to tackle this would be to introduce a sort of
> 'has/has-a' for service outputs, analogous to the object definitions.
> dirk

José María Fernández González		e-mail: jmfernandez at cnb.uam.es
Tlfn:	(+34) 91 585 54 50		Fax:	(+34) 91 585 45 06
Grupo de Diseño de Proteinas		Protein Design Group
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología	National Center of Biotechnology
C.P.: 28049				Zip Code: 28049
C/. Darwin nº 3 (Campus Cantoblanco, U. Autónoma), Madrid (Spain)

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