[moby] [MOBY-dev] Re: Problems with Biomoby services in Taverna 1.2

Rebecca Ernst rebecca.ernst at gsf.de
Fri Jul 8 06:50:17 UTC 2005

Hi Mark!

I will have to spank you a lot for either the last email or the one you 
sent me in February where I asked you how to use collections (see mail 

Well... the answer depends on what the generic case of your output will
look like.  the rule is that you have to register every output object
that your service produces; i.e. every immediate child tag of a mobyData
block.  Therefore, if you are going to consistently output exactly 3
Genbank/gi's, then you would register your service as outputting 3 X
Object(NCBI_gi).  If you are outputting an indeterminate number of
objects, then you register it as outputting 1 X Collection.  

Collections map nicely onto the rdf:Bag structure, if that helps you
interpret them.


On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 02:36, Rebecca Ernst wrote:

>> Hi Mark!
>> We have problems interpreting the BioMoby API for the output objects.
>> The thing is that we have a service that gets ONE input object and 
>> executes a freetext search over several databases. This service will 
>> eventually return more that one result.
>> We don't want to put the result into a collection object because the 
>> single objects don't build any entity.
>> We also can't give back more that one mobyData block because we only 
>> have one query ID and therefore only one queryID to give back.
>> The only solution we can think of is an object like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>        <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
>>           <moby:mobyContent>
>>               <moby:mobyData queryID='a1'>
>>                    <Simple articleName=''>
>>                       <Object namespace="Genbank/gi" id="163483"/>
>>                    </Simple>
>>                    <Simple articleName=''>
>>                       <Object namespace="Genbank/gi" id="163484"/>
>>                    </Simple>
>>                    <Simple articleName=''>
>>                       <Object namespace="Genbank/gi" id="163485"/>
>>                    </Simple>
>>               </moby:mobyData>
>>           </moby:mobyContent>
>>        </moby:MOBY>
>> would this be a legal object or do we have to use collection even if the 
>> objects don't build an entity ?
>> Cheers,
>> Rebecca
-- Mark Wilkinson Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics) Dept. Medical 
Genetics, UBC, Canada


Mark Wilkinson wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 17:34 +0200, Heiko Schoof wrote:
>>I myself am confused about the use of collections. Originally I had in 
>>my mind that Collections were a construct to allow objects that 
>>inherently belong together to be "bagged".
>You are 100% correct here.
>>The confusion starts with the output of services. My understanding was 
>>that ONLY a service that is guaranteed to output exactly one object for 
>>each query (e.g. an averaging service that outputs the average of a 
>>list of inputs) is registered as outputting a Simple, all others have 
>>to output collections
>> (as there must be exactly one mobyData matching 
>>the queryID of the input in the response,
>> and a mobyData may contain 
>>multiple Simple elements only if wrapped by a Collection).
>No.  A mobyData element can wrap any number of outputs, and/or
>combinations of simples, collections, and secondaries.
>>In practice, the Collection tag has been used to indicate when more 
>>than one Simple occurs, with no "semantic" meaning. This imho is not 
>>necessary; when more than one Simple occurs, why not put more than one 
>>Simple? It's easy enough for everyone to figure that out. Then, 
>>Collection could be used to actually transfer meaning ;-)
>I think a lot of people are using Collections incorrectly, yes.
>>make things clearer, also to e.g. the Taverna developers: Getting back 
>>many Simple articles in response to a query very intuitively indicates 
>>to continue on with each one individually, whereas getting back a 
>>Collection indicates to put the whole thing as input into the next 
>>service, which is what they implemented. Makes perfect sense, as there 
>>can and will be services that consume Collections.
>I don't think that Taverna handled collections correctly in the past,
>and it would be a shame if that identical functionality was added back
>in :-)  The functionality does need to go back into Taverna, but
>correctly this time.
>>Maybe I've made myself clear, maybe not. Anyway, the Collection issue 
>>has led to quite some discussions between Rebecca, Dirk and myself, and 
>>we are all not happy with the way they are currently handled.
>I don't know if you are happier with them now that I have pointed out
>where you are misinterpreting them...??
>I agree, however, that their usage by many service providers is not
>correct... but there's no way for MOBY Central to know that it isn't
>correct, so we can't throw an error on registration of these "wonky"

Rebecca Ernst
MIPS, Inst. for Bioinformatics
GSF Research Center for Environment and Health
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg
fon: +49 89 3187 3583
email: Rebecca.Ernst at gsf.de

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