[MOBY-dev] BOSC 2005

Darin London dlondon at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Jan 20 17:58:59 UTC 2005

 {Please pass the word!}

 The 6th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC'2005) is organized by the
 not-for-profit Open Bioinformatics Foundation. The meeting will take place
 June 23-24, 2005 in Detroit, Michigan, USA, and is one of several Special Interest
 Group (SIG) meetings occurring in conjunction with the 13th International Conference
 on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.

 see http://www.iscb.org/ismb2005 for more information.

 Because of the power of many Open Source bioinformatics packages in
 use by the Research Community today, it is not too presumptuous to say 
 that the work of the Open Source Bioinformatics Community represents 
 the cutting edge of Bioinformatics in general. This has been repeatedly 
 demonstrated by the quality of presentations at previous BOSC conferences.
 This year, at BOSC 2006, we want to continue this tradition of excellence, 
 while presenting this message to a wider part of the Research Community.  
 Please, pass this message on to anyone you know that is interested in
 Bioinformatics software. 

 * Web: http://www.open-bio.org/bosc2005/
 * Email: bosc at open-bio.org

  TO BE ANNOUNCED. Watch the bosc website for more information.
 The program committee is currently seeking abstracts for talks at BOSC 
 2005. BOSC is a great opportunity for you to tell the community about 
 your use, development, or philosophy of open source software development 
 in bioinformatics. The committee will select several submitted abstracts 
 for 25-minute talks and others for shorter "lightning" talks. Accepted 
 abstracts will be published on the BOSC web site.
 If you are interested in speaking at BOSC 2005, 
 please send us before April 26, 2005:
 * an abstract (no more than a few paragraphs)
 * a URL for the project page, if applicable
 * information about the open source license used for your software or 
   your release plans.

 Abstracts will be accepted for submission until April 26, 2005.
 Abstracts chosen for presentation will be announced May 12, 2005 
 (before the ISMB Early Registration Deadline).

 The program committee is currently seeking speakers for the lightning 
 talks at BOSC 2005. Lightning talks are quick - only five minutes 
 long - and a great opportunity for you to give people a quick 
 summary of your open source project, code, idea, or vision of the future.

 If you are interested in giving a lightning talk at BOSC 2005, 
 please send us:

 * a brief title and summary (one or two lines)
 * a URL for the project page, if applicable
 * information about the open source license used for your software or 
   your release plans.

 We will accept entries on-line until BOSC starts, but
 space for demos and lightning talks is limited.<br/>
 If you are involved in the development of Open Source Bioinformatics Software, 
 you are invited to provide a short demonstration to attendees of BOSC 2005.

 If you are interested in giving a software demonstration at BOSC 2005,
 please send us:

 * a brief title and summary (one or two lines)
 * a URL for the project page, if applicable
 * Internet connectivity requirements (e.g. website Application served on the 
   world wide web, or web based client application).

   We will accept entries on-line until the BOSC starts, but
   space for demos and lightning talks is limited. 

** Because the mission of the OBF is to promote Open Source software, we will favor submissions for
   projects that apply a recognized Open Source License, or adhere to the general Open Source Philosophy.
   See the following websites for further details:

  If you would like to be involved BOSC 2005, we invite you to chair a session.  This will 
  not require much of your time.  You will be given a schedule of presenters during your session. 
  You simply introduce each speaker, and manage the time of their presentation (25 minutes for full 
  presentations, 5-10 minutes for lightning talks/demos, depending on the number of entries).

  If you are interested in chairing a session, please send us your name and affiliation (if applicable).


Darin London dlondon at ebi.ac.uk    European Bioinformatics Institute, 
+44 (0)1223 49 2566               Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton 
+44 (0)1223 49 4468 (fax)         Cambridgeshire CB10 1SD, UK
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