[MOBY-dev] changes in jMoby

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Aug 26 07:52:34 UTC 2005

Dear all,
   I have made few (hopefully not breaking anything) in jMoby (the reason
why will come apparent when I finish documenting my efforts over this
weekend and send another email here).
   The most important is that you should call ./build.sh in order to get a
newly added jar (alltools2.jar). This will probably download all libraries
again - thats' because an updated time-stamp in the jar registry - but it
wil happen just once (but do not do it on a slow modem :-)).
   Also I updated version of jdom.jar from beta to the 1.0. Everything
compiled fine, but please check your code that nothing broke (it's really
time to think seriously on jUnits - and I do think about it...).
   The directory src/Services was almost empty - and I moved the rest what
was there into the more appropriate place src/main (the package name
remained the same).
   Instead there is now src/samples where we can put
examples, tutorial as etc. It does not compile by default - so it does not
break the normal/main code. There is a bunch of new targets in Ant, such
as samples-compile, samples-docs, samples-jar, samples-clean.
   There is also a directory src/samples-resources where you can put
testing or demo files. All files here are utomatically loaded to the
CLASSPATH so you can use getResource() to get them without troubles with
their physical location (and there is a new method in Utils.java doing so
in one line - readResource().
   Please read docs/ChangeLog for few details what I did. Thank you, Paul,
that you are contributing there. Have ever headrd about this file, Eddie?
   Eddie, could you reconsider directory 'org' that suddenl;y appeared in
the main directory? It should be somewhere else... (let's discuss it

   Please let me know if I broke anything. I apologize if I did (but I
have checked many times before commiting my huge changes, so I hope
everything is fine...).


Martin Senger
   email: martin.senger at gmail.com
   skype: martinsenger
International Rice Research Institute
Biometrics and Bioinformatics Unit
DAPO BOX 7777, Metro Manila
Philippines, phone: +63-2-580-5600 (ext.2324)

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