[MOBY-dev] MOBY Meeting: LAST CALL

Gary Schiltz gss at ncgr.org
Tue Nov 16 17:39:01 UTC 2004

This is a final reminder that the MOBY autumn 2004 meeting is next 
Saturday and Sunday, November 20 & 21 at NCGR in Santa Fe, New Mexico 
(four days from now) - see www.semanticmoby.org/meeting for details, 
www.semanticmoby.org/meeting/registration-form.html to register. If you 
plan to attend, please register as soon as possible. The list of people 
I have recorded as registering are the following; please let me know if 
you are planning to attend and your name is not on the list:

     Andrew Farmer (NCGR)
     Bill Beavis (NCGR)
     Damian Gessler (NCGR)
     Dirk Haase (MIPS)
     Fernando Rojas (CIAT)
     Gary Schiltz (NCGR)
     Guy Davenport (CIMMYT)
     Manuel Ruiz (CIRAD)
     Mark Wilkinson (UBC)
     Martin Senger (EBI)
     Milko Skofic (IPGRI)
     Rex Nelson (USDA-ARS CICGR)
     Richard Bruskiewich (IRRI)
     Thomas Hazekamp (IPGRI)


Gary Schiltz
Principal Software Engineer
National Center for Genome Resources
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA

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