[MOBY-dev] Sesame?

Andrew D. Farmer adf at ncgr.org
Wed Jun 30 21:41:47 UTC 2004

Hi Mark-
I did some experimenting with Sesame for a bit when I was more actively involved;
it seemed to be a reasonably robust system in terms of supporting persistance
and querying; IIRC, it uses a forward-chaining type strategy for inference,
such that whenever a new statement is added to the model, it will attempt
to infer all consequences of that new statement in conjunction with its
current knowledge base, but I think its rules of inference were relatively
simple- transitive closure over subtypes, and that sort of thing; depending
on how intelligent you imagine the ontologies will need to be vis-a-vis 
dynamic classification (some of the things I think Simon and Phil have
discussed in the past), you may not get the inferencing power you want from
Sesame- but I suppose you could put a more powerful inference engine as a
front end for updates and then use sesame as a persistance and query mechanism,
or something like that.


On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Mark Wilkinson wrote:

> Hey, 
> has anyone got experience with Sesame?  I'm reading their paper and it
> sounds too good to be true w.r.t. future plans of moving MOBY Central &
> the MOBY Ontologies to a pure RDF representation...  I'd be interested
> to hear other's experience with it!
> M


Andrew Farmer
adf at ncgr.org
(505) 995-4464
Database Administrator/Software Developer
National Center for Genome Resources

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always
so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. -
Bertrand Russell

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