[MOBY-dev] A few new tools and updates

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Sat Dec 11 17:38:57 UTC 2004

Hi all,

Here's an update of the latest goings-on with MOBY-S and MOBY-S tooling:

1)  Eddie has finished writing applets that help in the construction of  
new tools for creating objects,service types, and registering new 
service instances.  Try them at:  http://mobycentral.cbr.nrc.ca/applets  
(note that this is operating on the "live" database)

2)  For a variety of reasons we've decided to change the structure of 
the Service Instance RDF.  As such, I have temporarily switched the 
deregisterService function back 'on' in MOBY Central.  You can 
deregister services as before using the API.

3)  Once we have a good RDF generator, we will ask you again to retrieve 
the RDF of your services and we'll switch Nina's agent on. I'll then 
switch the deregisterService function 'off' again.

Cheers all! 


P.S.  I'm planning to host the next (possibly last, depending on 
funding...) MOBY developers meeting in Vancouver in early May, 2005.  
Does anyone know of other conferences going on that we should avoid 
conflicting with?

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