[MOBY-dev] question about the bioMoby python API

Mark Fiers mark.fiers at wur.nl
Thu Dec 2 13:19:59 UTC 2004

wong.yan at netcourrier.com wrote:

>one other solution is to put a type attribute on the body tag:
But, if i am not mistaking, that would then have to be done by the 
people running
since this site generates the ?'faulty'? body tag. (is it faulty? or is 
it still a valid soap call?

Would a workaround be to edit the zsi code to default to a string if it 
doesn't find a xsi:type attribute? Or would that cause different problems?


>the CORRECT message should be:
><body xsi:type="xsd:string">your MobyContent in XML</body>
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