[unclassified] [MOBY-dev] last one...

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Oct 15 17:03:54 EDT 2003

I do see one peculiarity... or at least an inconsistency...  It may be 
due to incomplete ontology traversal or it may be my fault in 
registering the service incorrectly.

The service GenbankGIVirtualSequenceRetrieve has a feedback loop, but 
the GenbankGISequenceRetrieve does not.  The former consumes Object in 
the NCBI_gi namespace, as does the latter.  Thus I assume that the 
feedback loop for the former is the result of testing the ISA 
relationship of the VirtualSequence object that service produces to 
discover that VirtualSequence ISA Object, which this service itself can 
itself consume.  However, the GenbankGISequenceRetrieve also consmes 
Object in the ncbi_gi namespace, and outputs GenericSequence, which 
similarly ISA Object, so it should also feed-back onto itself... unless 
I have not registered the output namespace for that service, which is 
entirely possible- if so, it is my error!

Otherwise, it looks fabulous!



Martin Senger wrote:

>...and I am leaving it for today:
>    I am just putting it that you can see it but I have not checked it
>myself. I am too tired now... I will continue again tomorrow. Thanks for
>your help and suggestions.
>   Martin

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