[MOBY-dev] java docs built on biomoby.org

Phillip Lord p.lord at russet.org.uk
Wed Nov 26 12:27:14 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Senger <senger at ebi.ac.uk> writes:

  >> I am listening, but I'm not sure why I get the arch geek
  >> question!
  Martin>    Because I thought that you may know. Sorry, I will never
  Martin>    ask again...
  >> I am not sure quite what you want.
  Martin>    I want to run a script (build.sh) after every 'cvs
  Martin>    update' (which is
  Martin> invoked automatically every something) if this 'cvs update'
  Martin> brought any change, in any file. And I was asking if such
  Martin> script/program exists or if I need to write it myself. So
  Martin> much for geekness in the question...

Ah, okay. If you are happy for it to run on the server, then you just
add a line to the "loginfo" file, which is found in the CVSROOT

See for instance...


which sets up commit emails. Of course this could also rebuild

Is this what you were asking for?



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