[MOBY-dev] bug still there

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Nov 24 18:29:16 UTC 2003

> I have fixed the Relationships call so that it only returns the
> relationship type that you ask for
   Yes, it works... I have tried at once after I saw your commit, thanks
from the lightning speed...

> but it still returns a redundant list of parent
> types... I can't see where that redundancy is coming from at the moment,
> but I'll keep exploring.  Hopefully it doesn't do you too much harm to
> have it there in the short-term
   that's fine with me, no harm...


Martin Senger

EMBL Outstation - Hinxton                Senger at EBI.ac.uk     
European Bioinformatics Institute        Phone: (+44) 1223 494636      
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus             (Switchboard:     494444)
Hinxton                                  Fax  : (+44) 1223 494468
Cambridge CB10 1SD
United Kingdom                           http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger

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