[MOBY-dev] quick head count for the next meeting

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Mon Jul 21 16:17:12 UTC 2003

Hi MOBY Dev-ers!

I'd like to get a quick head-count for the number of people who would be
interested in attending the next semi-annual MOBY meeting, currently
proposed to happen sometime in the first two weeks of October, on the
north-west-coast of the USA.  This meeting is aimed at core developers
within either branch of the project (S-MOBY, MOBY-S), but not (at this
point) amied at users/service providers... we may set up a second
meeting for that audience if there is enough interest.

If you could ASAP send me a message indicating your interest and
availability for that time I'd appreciate it.  There is limited space at
this venue, so if there are going to be too many people I will need to
change the plan, and if that time doesn't work for enough people I'll
also have to reconsider the date.  The MOBY-Canada grant has a certain
amount of funding earmarked for supporting these meetings so hopefully
we will be able to keep the costs low for room/board.  The proposed
venue - Friday Harbour Marine Research Station - is very similar in
"spirit" and appearance to Emma Lake, but it is salt water rather than
fresh water :-)

please let me know *as quickly as possible* if you want to come, and
what date works best for you.



Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com>

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