[MOBY] [MOBY-dev] BioMoBY installation

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Thu Jan 30 15:55:19 UTC 2003

Hi Beatrice!

A few things:

1)  The moby-dev list is for communication between core developers only
- please use the MOBY-l list for these types of questions.

2)  What you are doing seems to be a disturbing trend among newcomers to
the MOBY project.  Generally speaking, unless you are planning to do
core MOBY development, there is *absolutely no need* to install MOBY
locally.  The MOBY Central repository has a publicly accessible
interface, the API is well-documented in the MOBY::Client::Central
module, and you are welcome to register your objects/services in the
registry.  Of course, if you *are* planning to do core development, then
welcome!!!  Please introduce yourself to the rest of us on the moby-dev
list so that we know your background, and what you are planning to do. 
You are more than welcome to help us in development, but it would be
most useful if we could coordinate your efforts with our own...

3)  I suspect, however, that you are simply planning to set up
services.  If this is the case, please read the document here

4) Wow... this is the first time anyone has said the documentation is
difficult to follow! :-)  Which documentation are you reading?  On the
BioMOBY website there is documentation explaining how to install
MOBY::Central locally (if you need to) -
http://www.biomoby.org/InstallingMOBYCentral.html   This takes you
through a from-scratch installation on a completely bare machine. 
Usually, however, you will probably need to start somewhere in the
middle of this document, since most machines are not so bare :-)

Anyway, please flip this conversation over to the moby-l list, clarify
for yourself/us exactly what your goals are, then read the appropriate
documentation and if you still have troubles drop another message to the
list indicating exactly what you are trying to do, and what the problems
are.  We're more than willing to help, but your message was a bit...
nebulous... :-)



On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 09:40, Beatrice Schildknecht wrote:
> I am trying to install BioMoBY locally. I am finding the documentation 
> relatively difficult to follow, so some help on where to start would be 
> appreciated..
> Some questions:
> What moby-live files do I need to configure for my local set up.
> Could I get the full MOBY-Central database.
> Many thanks,
> Beatrice
> (If you have no time and can refer me to someone else that has set it 
> up, that is fine.)
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Mark Wilkinson                       \==-|       
Bioinformatics Consultant             \=/        0010010010100101110010
Illuminae Media                       /-\        
727 6th Ave. N.                      /-==|       0010100100111101010010
Saskatoon, SK, Canada               |==-/        
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markw at illuminae.com                  /=-\        1101001010100101010101

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