[MOBY-dev] use case conclusion

Andrew D. Farmer adf at ncgr.org
Sat Feb 1 00:17:58 UTC 2003

Hey Mark-
you're absolutely right, and we will definitely be factoring
out requirements from those use cases. I think the idea behind
getting the technology assessment phase going in parallel was mostly to
see if any of the work in this area (web services/semantic web) that others
have done (and boy is there a lot of it!) could stimulate any ideas that
didn't get properly covered in the use case analysis. If you have
any thoughts about how you think the requirements analysis could be made
maximally useful, don't hold back! ;)

At any rate, as you rightly suggest, we certainly shouldn't be approaching the
technology assessment (at this point) from the perspective of making choices,
but I think that it can't hurt for us to get a better sense for what are the
strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to the basic problem of
interoperability/integration in a largely decentralized/uncoordinated
environment and which we feel are most important to the project.

Andrew Farmer
adf at ncgr.org
(505) 995-4464
Database Administrator/Software Developer
National Center for Genome Resources

On 30 Jan 2003, Mark Wilkinson wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been thinking that we haven't really concluded the UseCase phase to
> the degree that (IMO) we should have...  it seems to me that the purpose
> was to delimit the tasks that we are expecting MOBY to assist us in, but
> I think we need to now summarize what we learned from this; i.e. "what
> functionalities are 'required' in the registry, what functionalities are
> 'required' in the data-objects, what functionalities are 'required' in
> services", and so on down the requirements priority... that way we have
> properly defined our goal(s) and can more correctly evaluate which
> technologies are able to fulfill these requirements when we come to that
> phase.  It seems that we are entering our technology assessment phase
> without knowing what we are expectations are.
> M
> --
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