[MOBY-dev] Re: [MISC] Re: MOBY: collected writings

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at gene.pbi.nrc.ca
Tue Dec 31 19:53:11 UTC 2002

Okay Chris, no worries.  Have a great new year!

To everyone receiving this:  remember, the moby-dev list is meant for
core developers only - if this doesn't sound like you,then...  :-)

To everyone participating in the Use Cases project: if you do not
already have write access to the MOBY CVS please follow the instructions
from Chris (below) to have your open-bio accounts set up. You need to
join the BioMOBY project/group/repository.  Follow Fiona/Andrew/Damian's
lead w.r.t. the format of Use-case submission - I believe that they will
be put into subfolders folders according to your initials, and then
further split into "scenario" and "useCase" folders, but double-check
how they are doing it before you commit.  In addition, the Use Case
itself has a particular format with a controlled structure and
vocabulary - if you have not been participating in the teleconferences
please read a few before submitting.

I believe that Jan 13th is the final day for Use Case submission.  A few
days later they will be made public on the Wiki.

...speaking of which, I still have some work to do on the Wiki before it
is usable.  I'll get on to that right away!

Happy New Year everyone!!!


On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 23:15, chris dagdigian wrote:
> Ack!
> Mark-
> I'm leaving for holiday shortly (back Friday January 3rd) and did not 
> get a chance to create any new accounts. In my absense the sysadmin team 
> (root-l at bioperl.org) is the place to send requests to. Otherwise I can 
> sort thigns out when I return to Boston.
> Things we need for new accounts:
> o requested username
> o full name
> o external good email address
> o list of projects/repositories/groups they need access to
> Happy holidays,
> Chris

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