[GSoC] weekly report #9

Artem Tarasov lomereiter at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 06:47:49 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

My progress report for the past week is available at

I've implemented sorting and merging, both parallelized and quite fast.
Also my merging tool improves on ideas taken from Picard source code and
merges SAM headers as well as sorted alignment records.

For those who use Debian, packages for amd64 and i386 are now available:


At the moment, alternatives to the following samtools commands are
developed: view, index, sort, merge, flagstat. The current limitation is
that most tools don't work with stdin/stdout and work with BAM files only
(does anybody still use SAM?). Nevertheless, they wisely use multi-core
processors and usually give a better speed.

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