[GSoC] GSoC Project Update -- 6

Wibowo Arindrarto w.arindrarto at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 23:33:52 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

It's a bit late than usual, but I've finally finished my update for
the past week: http://bow.web.id/blog/2012/06/round-trip-with-searchio/

As a summary:

1. SearchIO now has a write and convert function that outputs to BLAST
XML and tabular files.
2. The two main container objects QueryResult and Hit now has their
own filter() and map() functions similar to Python's built-in filter
and map. For QueryResult objects, there are hit_filter, hsp_filter,
hit_map, and hsp_map functions and for Hit objects we have filter and
map. Filter functions accept a boolean function with either Hit or HSP
as its argument, while map accepts a function that must return either
Hit or HSP objects. I wrote a short demo on my post to make this a bit
clearer and show what it can help users do.
3. (not mentioned in the post) is more tweaks and tests to the
existing functionalities, especially indexing.

That's all for now :).


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