[EMBOSS] Repetition pattern in fuzznuc/fuzzpro or dreg/preg

Peter Rice ricepeterm at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 26 09:54:54 UTC 2012

Dear Daniel,

On 25/09/2012 22:04, Rozenbaum, Daniel (Biocceleration Inc) wrote:
 > Hi everyone,
 > It looks like it isn't possible to specify a GCG findpatterns style 
pattern "(GSG){1,10}" ("GCG" repeating 1 to 10 times) in fuzznuc or 
fuzzpro, is it?

It is not possible, brackets are not allowed in fuzz* patterns. The 
repeats are for single residues or bases, usually used for unknowns to 
give a variable gap between known residues or bases (e.g. for protein 
active sites).

 > Is dreg/preg the appropriate alternative here?

Yes. This example is one of the reasons we wrote them.

Hope this helps,

Peter Rice

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