[EMBOSS] Handling of local file input in Jemboss

Mahmut Uludag uludag at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Sep 21 14:58:58 UTC 2012

Hi Daniel,

> server side directories for Jemboss jobs on the
> server now appear to be created under the path that is a
> concatenation of paths "results.home" and "embossBin"

I have checked in a fix for this problem in JembossServer class.

In Soaplab and jdispatcher projects we don't hide the full path of the 
program executed. While working on the previous problem I thought we can 
do the same in Jemboss. Although I was not quite sure with it I just 
made that change. Obviously I didn't made it in the correct way. I now 
have undone it but we can add this feature properly if it is desirable.

I have also checked in a fix in BuildJembossForm class as the recent fix 
did also broke the inputs through copy/paste form.


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