[EMBOSS] problems installing EMBOSS on MacOSX 10.5.6

Hubert Renauld hubert75 at gmx.at
Tue Mar 24 18:18:14 UTC 2009

Good evening,

I cannot manage to install EMBOSS 6.0 and jemboss privately, on a Mac OS X version 10.5.6.  (This is the first time I am trying to install EMBOSS.)  I have no formal computer background, so I am afraid my questions will sound naive.

I downloaded everything into /Applications/EMBOSS (I created).  Downloaded there all .tgz files from the xfree86 as you mentioned.  When running the sh Xinstall.sh, lots of permissions denied, yet "installation successfully completed" (very confusing).

I tried to compile, but I have no "make".  Where should I install it, and get it from, please?  I downloaded the make-3.81 from http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Developer-Tools/GNU-Make.shtml, gunzipped and tar'ed it, but the make clean command is unknown.

Could anybody please help me?  I guess I have paths and permissions problems (also).  I have no formal computer background, so I am afraid my questions will sound naive, and I may not understand lots of abbreviations and jargon.

However, I loved working with EMBOSS while at Sanger, and would like to spread its use.

Many Thanks in advance,


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