[EMBOSS] Png problem on Mac OS 10.5

Koen van der Drift koenvanderdrift at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 12:00:47 UTC 2009

> Turns out that the problem was nothing to do with the version of Mac
> OS 10 or the type of processor. It was the location of the png
> libraries when using MacPorts. MacPorts puts everything in a sandpit
> - /opt/local - so as to shield installs from updates to the operating
> system. In this case it's irrelevant and a nuisance. Pity, as
> MacPorts is a very convenient and effective way of getting the
> libraries for gd (unless you are in a University with web cacheing
> when it's a teeny bit more complex.)

Why not install emboss with macports as well, in that case all
necessary libraries can be found in the same place (/opt/local) and
you don't have to worry about it. This is the way fink works, and I'm
sure Macports is not different from that.

- Koen.

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