[EMBOSS] newbie, need some guidance with emboss web services

Lorena Carlo lcarlo at cs.utah.edu
Sat Mar 1 22:00:05 UTC 2008


I am trying to use EMBOSS web services in a python client.  I use ZSI 
2.1a library to communicate with the web services.  I am trying to use 
edit.seqret.derived web service:  
I am sending the following sequence that I found in the EMBOSS tutorial: 
embl:xlrhodop to the web service.  But I am not getting any answer.  
Bellow I am including some lines of code I am using.  Can somebody give 
me any guidance with this?.  Should I use the non derived ones,  I 
prefer to use the derived ones, because the application have support for 
complex types.

#This are the stub files that ZSI generates to manage complex types.
from seqretService_client import *
from seqretService_types import *
#This are in the stub files and allow you to call the methods inside the 
web service
loc = seqretServiceLocator()
port = loc.getedit__seqret()

req1 = createAndRunRequest()
reqseqret1 = req1.new_seqret()
reqsequence1 = reqseqret1.new_sequence()
reqseqret1.Sequence = reqsequence1
req1.Seqret = reqseqret1
resp1 = port.createAndRun(req1)

jobid = resp1.Jobid
print jobid

waitforReq = waitForRequest()

resp2 = port.waitFor(waitforReq)

reqresults = getResultsRequest()
response = port.getResults(reqresults)
seqretresult = response.get_element_seqretResult()
print seqretresult.get_element_report()
print seqretresult.get_element_outseq()
print seqretresult.get_element_detailed_status()

BTW:  I have also used the runAndWaitFor method but I obtain the same 
result (None).



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