[EMBOSS] Codon usage comparisons

Jon Ison jison at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Sep 6 10:52:56 UTC 2005

Dear Thiago

So far as I'm aware there's no compensation made for amino acid
composition, but it would be a nice complement to programs such
as cai (http://emboss.sourceforge.net/apps/cai.html).

If you could let us know the key papers and whether any code
exists we can consider incorporating such in the future.



> Hi all.
> I have a couple questions about the codon usage comparisons in the EMBOSS.
> I have read some papers that use Factorial Correspondence Analysis to
> compensate for aminoacid composition. The EMBOSS tools compensate it by
> some
> other way or what we get could be a biased result?
> Regards.
> Thiago
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