[EMBOSS] "remap" as standalone app

pmr at ebi.ac.uk pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Sat Oct 22 14:33:47 UTC 2005

Dear Harald,

> is it possible to use "remap" as a
> standalone application?
> That means, after compiling EMBOSS I'd like
> to delete everthing except the "remap"-binary.
> Of course, it's not that easy, because "remap"
> depends on libraries and the rebase-files.
> And "remap" has to know the path to these files.
> Maybe the libraries could be statically linked?
> Does anybody have a suggestion how to isolate
> a full functional "remap" from the EMBOSS package?

./configure --help will give you a list of the extra options available.

./configure --disable-shared will build without shared libraries. This may
be enough for remap. For EMBOSS graphical programs you will also need
--without-X to disable linking to the X11 system libraries.

We do not regularly test whether EMBOSS builds standalone, but I have done
it in the past, and another user at EBI was trying exactly this procedure

Hope this helps

Peter Rice

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