[EMBOSS] EMBOSS database configurartion......

Richard Rothery Richard.Rothery at ualberta.ca
Thu May 26 15:33:53 UTC 2005

Hi All,


How does one configuire EMBOSS to retrieve sequences directly from
swissprot/trembl? Specifically what lines have to be added to the
database configuration file? Something that links to the EXPASY site?
The idea here is to use SEQRET to grab the sequences. I have no room on
my system for the entire database, indexing etc...


Hopefully, the answer to this one will be simple!!







CIHR Membrane Protein Research Group,

Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta,

Edmonton T6G 2H7

Ph. (780) 492-2229 Fax. (780) 492-0886



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