[EMBOSS] seqret

Alexis Torrano Martinez atorrano at lsi.upc.edu
Fri May 20 10:52:33 UTC 2005


I have just begun to use emboss. I'd like to ask some question.
Let the next tuple be my DB descriptor :

DB myDB [
       <some fields...> 
        dir: /..../myDBdir
        indexdirectory: /..../indexesForMyDB

Is it possible to split the DB through different directories or disks?
On two 300Gb disks mounted on /mnt/d1 and /mnt/d2, I put some files on
d1 and the other on d2... so, a tuple like the next, would it be correct? 

 DB myDB [
       <some fields...> 
       dir: /mnt/d1/myDB
       dir: /mnt/d2/myDB
       indexdirectory: /..../indexesForMyDB


DB myDB [
       <some fields...> 
       dir: /mnt/d1/myDB : /mnt/d2/myDB
       indexdirectory: /..../indexesForMyDB

How would be done such split??

             A lot of thanks, and best regards.


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