[EMBOSS] use water/matcher to find where RNA bybridizes

pmr at ebi.ac.uk pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Jun 3 10:08:11 UTC 2005

Dear Guy,

> Thanks for your replies. It is however still not clear to me where the '.'
> come from. I thought the EMBOSS "pair" output would put a '|' for
> identities and a ':' for similarities (score positive). Maybe the program
> is fooled and seriously perturbed by a matrix that assigns a negative
> score to identical base pairs.

I believe it is perturbed by the zero score for identical base pairs. This
makes it unable to find a consensus character for the alignment, and so
the "no consensus found" '.' character appears in the output.

Making the output format understand your non-identical matching is an
interesting challenge. I will look into it a little more.



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