[EMBOSS] 'Resources' in the emboss.default file

pmr at ebi.ac.uk pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Tue May 25 05:57:34 UTC 2004


> I was browsing the ajnam.c code and noticed that there is what looks like
> a
> 'resource' type that can be defined in emboss.default. (causes
> namParseType
> to be set to TYPE_RESOURCE) What does this resource beast look like as I
> cannot find any documentation for it?
> My initial guess is that it looks like a database definition.

Pretty close!

It looks like a database definition, but is intended to define
"non-database resources".

So far it has not been used, but I do have a blast wrapper submitted that
will need this mechanism to define available blast databases, and have
considered using it for other resources such as codon usage and genetic
codes to make ACD files rather simpler.

The definitions could be dynamic (seacrhing for files of a certain type
and returning a list of files) or static (simply defining the list of
allowed values).

This reminds me I need to put some examples in before 3.0.0 :-)

Any other suggestions welcome.


Peter Rice

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