[EMBOSS] refseq IDs via SRSWWW

F.J. Novo fnovo at unav.es
Fri Mar 26 09:22:56 UTC 2004

Hello, I've just configured a remote access to genbank in my 2.8.0 
installation, as suggested:

DB genbank [ type: N method: srswww format: genbank release: NCBI
    comment: "Genbank from NCBI"
    url: "http://cbr-rbc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/srs6bin/cgi-bin/wgetz"

It works fine with EMBL-type accession nos. (AJXXXXXX), but it seems 
unable to retrieve refseq IDs (NM_XXXXX). Am I missing something?

Dr. Francisco J. Novo
Department of Genetics
University of Navarra
31080 Pamplona (SPAIN)
Tel + 948 425600 (ext 6252)
Fax + 948 425649

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