[EMBOSS] dbiflat and entret...

Jérôme Laroche jlaroche at bioinfo.ulaval.ca
Sat Mar 6 19:49:03 UTC 2004

Hi Ted,

Try this:

1. dbiflat -fields taxon
choose the right format of your flatfile: entry format

2. Add the following lines in your .embossrc file:

DB swtest [
    type: N
    method: emblcd
    format: genbank <-specify the format
    dir: path    <- the path of your database
    indexdir: path   <-the path of your index files
    fields: org		<-the field you have indexed
3. seqret swtest-org:homo

I run a couple of test and it works. But you should knwo that not all 
words in the field  ORGANISM are indexed. Just those of taxonomic 

So in a genbank flatfile containing the following organism field for 
two entries, the keywords 'Rhizobium/Agrobacterium group'  and 'dsDNA 
viruses, no RNA stage' use together or alone were not recognized even 
if they are in the organism field.

   ORGANISM  Agrobacterium sp.
             Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhizobiales;
             Rhizobiaceae; Rhizobium/Agrobacterium group; Agrobacterium.

   ORGANISM  Chlorella virus
             Viruses; dsDNA viruses, no RNA stage; Phycodnaviridae; 

Good luck!

Centre de bioinformatique
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