[EMBOSS] Is srswww related to srs version?

Zhiqiang Ye yezq at mail.cbi.pku.edu.cn
Mon Dec 20 06:56:08 UTC 2004

Dear all,

  I encountered a problem about "seqret" program to get some sequences using "srswww".

My  ~/.embossrc file is like this:
#  swall sequence from cbi srs server
DB swcbi [ type: P method: srswww format: swiss
  dbalias: swissprot
  url: "http://srs.pku.edu.cn/srs7bin/cgi-bin/wgetz"
  comment: "Swissprot and Trembl from CBI SRS Server" ]

#  uniprot sequence from ebi srs server
DB swebi [
  type: P
  method: srswww
  format: swiss
  dbalias: swissprot
  url:  "http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz"
  comment: "swissprot from EBI SRS Server" ]

The command I used for getting sequences:
%> seqret swcbi:aroa_*    
This will get only 30 sequences from srs.pku.edu.cn
But if I use the srs through web exlorer, use "aroa_" to search the ID of swissprot,
I can get 104 sequences whose id is like "aroa_*".

%> seqret swebi:aroa_*
This will get 105  sequences from srs.ebi.ac.uk
This is the same as the results from web explorer.

My embossversion is 2.9.0,  the same problem occurs on another machine with emboss 2.6.0
I have no idea about this.  Maybe it is the different SRS version or the different configuration between srs.pku.edu.cn and srs.ebi.ac.uk?

Thank you.

              Zhiqiang Ye

Zhiqiang Ye, Ph. D candidate, Major in Bioinformatics
Center of BioInformatics, College of Life Scicences,
Peking University, Beijing, PR China 100871

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