Programming in Emboss

Carole Louis gtps5 at
Wed Jun 25 09:50:44 UTC 2003


I am programming in Emboss but I do not understand why the buckle number
2 (see it in red) does not work. 
The problem is that the program does not pass by the buckle in red. Is
it impossible to have two imbricated buckles or there is another problem
I do not find the answer to my answer so, can someone help me, please
..... :-(

This is the code :

//Sélection des meilleurs couples
  ajint compteur2 = 0;
  iterList3 = ajListIter(ListCoupleInit); // parcours liste couple avec
  iterList4 = ajListIter(BestCouple);  // liste contenant meilleurs
  ajint nbreBestCouple2 = 0;
 nbreBestCouple2 = ajListLength(BestCouple);
 ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n nbre de meilleurs couples 2 : %d \n",
  //remplissage liste BestCouple
  while (ajListIterMore(iterList3))
      ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n Boucle 1 \n"); 
      res3 = (CoupleOlig) ajListIterNext(iterList3);
      ajint nbreBestCouple3 = 0;
      nbreBestCouple3 = ajListLength(BestCouple);
      ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n nbre de meilleurs couples 3 : %d \n",

      if (compteur2 == 0)
	  ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n Boucle 3 \n"); 
	  ajListPush(BestCouple, (void *) res3);
	  ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n Boucle 5 \n");
      compteur2 ++;

      while (ajListIterMore(iterList4))
	  ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n Boucle 2 \n"); 
	  res4 = (CoupleOlig) ajListIterNext(iterList4);
	  if (res3->score <= res4->score)
	      ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n Boucle 4 \n"); 
	      ajListInsert(iterList4, (void*) res3);

  ajint nbreBestCouple = 0;
  nbreBestCouple = ajListLength(BestCouple);
  ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n nbre de meilleurs couples : %d \n",



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