EMBL indexing strategy

Aengus Stewart aengus.stewart at cancer.org.uk
Mon Jun 23 10:44:21 UTC 2003

I am currently building the EMBL indexes and I was just wondering how
other people organise them.

I have no idea as yet what size entrynam.idx will end up being but I
imagine the word "humungous" will apply.

Do people index the sections ( EST, GSS, HUM, etc ) separately and
follow Simon Andrews method of poviding an EMBL that is a composite of
these sections or follow the lets index the bloody lot at one go route?

Will there be any difference in the outcome either in admin terms or for
the user?


Aengus Stewart
Computational Genome Analysis Laboratory  Tel: +44 (0)20 7269 3679
Cancer Research UK, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PX, UK

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