[EMBOSS] Testing as if user - Antigenic

Aengus Stewart aengus.stewart at cancer.org.uk
Wed Aug 20 16:50:37 UTC 2003


I am going through the software attempting to test it as if I was a user
ie doing the things I shouldnt.

I have just given antigenic a DNA seq rather than a PROT seq and it
gives at first glance what appears to be a reasonable result file.

# Program: antigenic
# Rundate: Wed Aug 20 17:49:57 2003
# Report_format: motif
# Report_file: btmg.dna.antigenic

# Sequence: BTMG     from: 1   to: 1077
# HitCount: 35

Max_score_pos at "*"

(1) Score 1.362 length 48 at bases 519->566
           |                                              |
         519                                              566

(2) Score 1.335 length 30 at bases 10->39
           |                            |
          10                            39

It has recognised that the file was DNA rather than PROT as it has bases
rather than residues in the headers. 

However having detected that the sequence is DNA should it run at all?


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