translate tools

Zhiqiang Ye yezq at
Thu Apr 3 08:52:33 UTC 2003

Dear all,
     I have a large set of mRNAs,cDNAs,cds to translate, but each sequence has different reading frame.
So I have to translate it in all 6 frames and see which is the best.I have so many sequences that I cannot
do this one by one. Is there any program in emboss which can translate nucleic sequence in 6 frames and choose
the best one as output? Transeq doesn't seem to work with this.
	Thanks in advance!

Best Regards!
              Zhiqiang Ye

Zhiqiang Ye, Ph. D candidate, Major in Bioinformatics
Center of BioInformatics, College of Life Scicences,
Peking University, Beijing, PR China 100871
Tel: 	+86 10 6275 6730

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