redata/rebaseextract bug ?

K. Arun karbak at
Tue Jan 22 06:01:17 UTC 2002


        I recently compiled EMBOSS 2.2.0 (with the patched files
mentioned earlier on this list) on a Debian Linux machine, and have
been using it (mostly) without problems for a few days now. I
encountered an interesting anomaly this evening while indexing and
checking REBASE release 201.

$ redata EcoRI
Search REBASE for enzyme name, references, suppliers etc.
Output file [outfile.redata]: stdout

Recognition site is ESCHERICHIACOLIRY leaving sticky ends
  Cut positions 5':0 3':0 [5':0 3':0]
Organism: G^AATTC
Methylated: R.N. Yoshimori
Source: 3(6)

(organism and recognition site are interchanged)

        I've been having other problems with 'restrict', but this one
seems to require fixing first. Am I doing something wrong ? I
extracted REBASE 201 (the withrefm.201 file) with rebaseextract as
indicated in the documentation.



arun krishnaswamy	<karbak at>	   <karbak at>
biological sciences,  mellon institute,  carnegie mellon university
PGP: 0x5606B2B1                                 GPG: 1024D/C75FD05C

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