2.1.0 build glitches on Solaris 8

David Mathog mathog at mendel.bio.caltech.edu
Thu Jan 3 20:29:24 UTC 2002

> The --with-png really should be --with-pngdriver=directory
> Assuming you have libpng* in  /foo/bar/lib then 'directory' should
> be /foo/bar   (the /lib is assumed to be essential). If the
> configure can find the libpng, libz and libgd libraries in a
> standard place it will automatically include png support. Standard
> places are generally /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib

But why does --with-png work when configure has CC=gcc and fail when
For what it's worth, libpng and libgd are in /usr/local and libz
is in /usr/lib where some Solaris package installed it.

> If you don't specify a directory then the default value of --with-png
> is "yes" hence the problem (at least that is what I suspect).
> If your gd,z & png are not all in a standard place 

If there really was a unix "standard" we wouldn't be using configure in
the first place.  gd may never ship with any unix distribution but over
time more and more Unix's will come with both libz and libpng, and since
manufacturers tend to put what they ship in /usr/lib, the "standard
place" over time will most likely shift from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib.

> As for the varargs messages. That is a fairly well known problem
> with some installations of gcc on Solaris. It is a difficult one
> for the configure scripts to resolve satisfactorily. The easiest
> dirty hack would be to edit ajax/Makefile and delete all
> occurrences of '-I/usr/include' since then there will be no
> conflicts between the standard and GNU varargs headers.

That's what I had to do with sim4 which had the opposite problem - it
was picking
up conflicting definitions.  Here no definition is being found.

David Mathog
mathog at caltech.edu
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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