2.1.0 build glitches on Solaris 8

ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 3 20:05:01 UTC 2002

The --with-png really should be --with-pngdriver=directory
Assuming you have libpng* in  /foo/bar/lib then 'directory' should
be /foo/bar   (the /lib is assumed to be essential). If the
configure can find the libpng, libz and libgd libraries in a
standard place it will automatically include png support. Standard
places are generally /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib

If you don't specify a directory then the default value of --with-png
is "yes" hence the problem (at least that is what I suspect).

If your gd,z & png are not all in a standard place then it may
help to put them all in the same lib directory somewhere.
The command ./configure --help is useful for the syntax.

As for the varargs messages. That is a fairly well known problem
with some installations of gcc on Solaris. It is a difficult one
for the configure scripts to resolve satisfactorily. The easiest
dirty hack would be to edit ajax/Makefile and delete all
occurrences of '-I/usr/include' since then there will be no
conflicts between the standard and GNU varargs headers.


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