EMBOSS produces an error when doing wildcard searches

David Mathog mathog at mendel.bio.caltech.edu
Fri Feb 15 16:53:44 UTC 2002

> Dear all,
> has anybody else experienced problems when iterating over a database
with a wildcard search?
> For example, when I state
> infoseq embl:\* , 
> everything works as expected, but when I say
> infoseq embl:p\* ,
> after a while the output stops and the following error message is

It doesn't work here either.  

EMBOSS-2.2.0 on Solaris 5.8 on a Sparc.

We keep our Genbank database in GCG format.  It was indexed with:  

    dbigcg -dbname genbank \
       -directory $WORKDIR \
       -indexdirectory $EMBOSSINDEXDIR \
       -release "$THERELEASE" \
       -date "$THEMONTH/$THEDAY/$THE2YEAR" \
       -idformat GENBANK \
       -filename "*.seq"

When this is run:

% infoseq genbank:\* -outfile=/tmp/testwild.txt

it stops (no error messages) after 32993 lines with the last entry at:
AC003118 which is just slightly into gb_htg.  More interestingly:

 wc /export/home/gcg/data/gcggenbank/*seqcat
   32940  417123 3441822 /export/home/gcg/data/gcggenbank/gb_ba.seqcat
   93349 1323961 11229588 /export/home/gcg/data/gcggenbank/gb_htg.seqcat
  108723 1578814 13275437 /export/home/gcg/data/gcggenbank/gb_in.seqcat

32993 - 32940 = 53.  

Looks like the indexing lookup functions do not transition properly from
one file
to another.  Or it could be a signed short is used somewhere it
shouldn't since
32993 isn't that much more than 32768. 

Or maybe it's a memory leak?  Run it again and watch the process... 
Doesn't look like it, it grew slowly to (top output):
 22941 root       1   0   10 9552K 5968K run      2:14 98.31% infoseq
and stabilized there.  So not a memory leak.  

Let the run complete and see if it fails at the same place... Yes, it

Is it just infoseek or other programs as well?  Try fuzznuc with:

 % fuzznuc -sequence=genbank:\* '-pattern=<N' -outf=fuzznucout.txt

oh great, there's another bug - this pattern doesn't match anything! 
Try it the other way:

 % fuzznuc -sequence=genbank:\* '-pattern=N>' -outf=fuzznucout.txt

That works.  Let's see where it stops...  Looks bad folks, the output
has 32992 lines this time and the last line is, you guessed it:  

       AC003118    94882 G

Definitely a bug in the low level wildcard retrieval routines somewhere. 

Alan, please move this one way up the priority list - it probably means
all wildcarded 
database operations are broken.  The worst part is that here these are
failing as if they were completing normally - there are no error
messages to tip off the user that things
have gone wrong.


David Mathog
mathog at caltech.edu
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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