Blast format change at NCBI

jrvalverde at jrvalverde at
Wed Feb 13 10:59:01 UTC 2002

"David Mathog" <mathog at> wrote:
> nr and nt (and whatever else) in memory.  I'd _kill_ for MPI or PVM
> BLAST, but it seems
> like the NCBI is not going to see the need to write that until they
> reach the memory limit
> on their huge server.   I'd add it myself but a horrible experience

You don't want that. It would crawl even more having to access data over
the net.

What you want is to create partial databases that fit in memory, and a
script that sends the same query against each of the database sections,
collects the results and colates them, selecting the highest scores.

I don't have such a script (having only one machine to run things), but
understand that others have done it already.


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