problems building EMNU

Martin Sarachu <> mad at
Fri Feb 8 08:58:19 UTC 2002


I get this when building EMNU

Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
initscr32                           emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
box32                               emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
w32attron                           emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
w32attroff                          emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
getcurx                             emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
getcury                             emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
acs32map                            emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
getbegx                             emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
getbegy                             emnu.o  (symbol belongs to implicit
dependency /usr/lib/
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to .libs/emnu

ncurses v5.2 are installed and EMBOSS programs compiled ok. any idea?


Martin Sarachu

ICQ: 123797358
EMBnet Argentina:

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